Monday, October 12, 2009

Corn maze or Corn Craze?

What do you get when you have a lady who can't see without her glasses, a directionally challenged person and two young women? Us at a corn maze! Our good friends Paul and Lori took us to this fun corn maze. You could pick your maze, three to choose from. The men and Abigail went to one way and we took the opposite. We ended up back at the beginning 3 times before we got the hang of this. It was super funny. Finally Maddy decided she could save us all, and she did. She helped us figure out where to go. Lori can't see without her glasses and I am just challenged. We were so slow that the men found there way through their maze and caught up with us at ours. To our defense we started with the hardest one. It was a turkey maze...a lot of feathers to go through. What a great activity though! Next year I will do better, now I know what I have to do (go with the men!). Love, Love, Love it!


Suzette said...

LeeAnne, you look like one of the kids in that picture! You could pass as your own daughter. :) I love corn mazes (with people over the age of eight)!

Erin said...

hehehe.. I can only imagine! ;)